AlarmCloudReceiver Solutions tackle the VoIP Problem Head On. The Cloud based platform was designed to help ARCs and Alarm Installers overcome the communication issues caused by VoIP. Systems using PSTN are becoming more unreliable each month as Phone companies quietly switch to VoIP in the background to reduce costs. The goal of our AlarmCloudReceiver Solutions is to do whatever possible to help Alarm Installers and ARCs retain their customers by allowing them to use their existing alarm panel and whatever type of phone service is available on site. Whether your customers use PSTN, VoIP or GSM terminals, we can reliably receive signals on your behalf and forward them directly into your automation system. Our Virtual Receivers are immune to all of the issues associated with VoIP and our solutions add value by introducing line supervision, redundancy and disaster recovery features.
AlarmCloud gets your New Monitoring Business out of the Starting Blocks
AlarmCloud allows New Start ARCs to get up and running in just a few hours without any up front investment. No phone lines to order, no receivers to buy and no automation software required. AlarmCloud receives signals in almost any format over any transmission path and places each event into a queue. An operator can easily access the alarm queue from any computer or mobile device using a web browser.